Poptropical Adventures

Welcome to Poptropical Adventures!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Hero in Reality TV Island

Guess what? I, Happy Hero, have won Reality TV Island!!! YAHOO!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy Hero in Billards

After my loss at Reality TV Island, I decided it was time for a break. I walked into Billards and met a girl called Happy Ice. She looked like my sister. Her name was even close to my name!!! Happy Hero, Happy Ice.
I asked her if she could cook, and she said:
Me too, I thought. It's true, I'm not good at cooking.
Then she asked me what temperature I liked. I said:
Hehe, I lied to her. I actually like it when it's hot. I asked her what she ate for breakfast. She said:
Oh. I have cereal. The bread is finished here at my house. Might have to buy some at Mike's Market...
Anyway, I then asked Happy Ice if she was a ninja.
I bet she wouldn't want to be a ninja anyway. Ninjas are cool, actually. I asked her:
She said, "Soccer." Well, mine is basketball.
See ya later, Happy Ice!!! Gotta buy some bread!!!
◊Happy Hero◊