Bah. So Robots Rule, do they? I punched the TV screen and continued on. I passed a sign.
A human is wanted? Well if I find him, I'll be sure not to tell those evil robots. They're going to kill him, no doubt. Well anywho, I went down the road and saw a factory. Even better, a factory with a No Trespassing sign! I love those things. They mean adventure! Well I then entered the factory.

I'm soooooo scared. Not. I climbed to the top, then I accidentally fell on a woman wiht a ponytail she told me that Holmes is going to kill them if they don't get the conveyer belt moving. So I decided to help them, somehow. I climbed back up, and ohey! I saw a crane! I pushed 'Down'. It moved an inch. I pressed more. Ooh, I htink it hit something! I went down to check. Nothing happened much. I pushed the 'Up button. Whoops. Went through the ceiling. I jumped down and found a computer. I pressed something, and- say ho! A door opened somewhere on the other side! I dashed to it.
Well now I'll unscrew these stuff.

Okay, all I need to do is pull this switch, and Presto! The conveyer works now!
Okay that's cool. I run down the street. Then I stop where a big fat gold robot is blocking my way. I talk to him. "Hey Bud, could you just move a little?" But he ignores me and says.

Oh. He only HAS one wheel...

What does he think he's saying? He isn't even tall enough to reach the top of the table! and he can't just stand on that chair! The manager will scream at him! Hey, where is the manager anyways? I turn around and see a robot with the ugliest, purplest hair you EVER SAW. I ask him,
He says,

Well, purplehair, you're an ugly one too. I start sweating by his ugliness, but so he won't kill me or anything, I quickly say,
He says,
I roll my eyes and sigh.

I start to walk away to find the air conditioner. But then he yanks me back with a claw coming from inside his shirt. he says,
Nothing from him will make it worth my while, but oh well.
I take out my
and I EQUIP it. Then he peers at it busybodily and asks,
I fight the urge to tell him it's a magic fan that will make him less ugly. But I don't want to be killed, so I just fan him.
His hair wobbles. When I'm done, he says,
Great joke.
So I take the grimy old nickel. I'm rich now.
He's very generous.