I heard about something going on In Shark Tooth Island, so I decided I would go over and check it out. Well I went down the street and my eye
caught a stall with a man standing in front. Guess what? He had no s
hirt on!
That is SO YUCK!!! Well, the shirtless man saw

me looking and hailed me with his deep, hawaiian voice.
Well I took it. After all, it was on the house (Whatever house he was talking about) well, I walked on, and I stopped when a girl trodded on my foot. I mean, thats horribly insulting! I glared at her and she told me...
Well I took it. After all, it was on the house (Whatever house he was talking about) well, I walked on, and I stopped when a girl trodded on my foot. I mean, thats horribly insulting! I glared at her and she told me...

WHAT SHARK?! People keep on talking about a giant shark, that terrifies them! big deal! Over In Early
Poptropica, I saw a huge SPIDER!! I mean, sharks don't eat humans unl
ess they've got hit on the head or if someone attacks it! Spiders are Deadly! Poisonous! Okay, back to the Island. So I went down the street, over to Booga Bay to find out this wimpy shark everyone was talking about. I found a man near the shore selling grass skirts.

He was even WEARING a grass skirt! okay, let's get this straight. A MAN wearing a grass SKIRT?! Here is a poem to help with this calamity.The man wears the shirt,
I wanted to scream! Inside, I boiled, but I just gave him a death glare and snatched away the hated Grass Skirt. I whammed it into my bag and swiftly turned my back on him. I bumped into a crying woman, who was, most annoyingly, standing right behind me. I glared and she wailed at me:
Quite annoying, that everyone was talking about this weird shark that is fierce, monstrous, and terrifying. I decided to see this shark. So I went down to the little island in the middle of the water. Suddenly, I saw it. Yikes! might want some coconuts to calm it down.
the girl wears the skirt!
Simple! I went up to him to tell him that and he saw me coming and told me:

Whew! I jumped on another wood block standing in some more water that I wouldn't call water. I mean, Is water green? No! okay, well back to the place. I jumped onto another wood block. They were like stepping stones! Finally, I saw a ledge and jumped on.
I saw a ledge, but the only thing different than the one I was standing on was, it floated in the air! It came drifting toward me and I jumped on. Immediatley, a bat flew at me.
I saw a ledge, but the only thing different than the one I was standing on was, it floated in the air! It came drifting toward me and I jumped on. Immediatley, a bat flew at me.

The platform floated to a ledge and I jumped on once more. then, I jumped to the left and landed on another ledge. Hey! I'm an acrobat! Well, a swinging platform was right above me and I jumped on. It flung me to a big slab of rock. I stood on and noticed some strange buttons on the wall. It must be a lock of some sort.
I punched in random letters.
I punched in random letters.

And to my surprise, the wall behind me, opened! I went in, not knowing what to expect. I saw a vine and slid a way down, then I stopped, startled to see a human in here.

I jumped of the vine and landed on
the platform the man was on. He
must have heard me, because he told me:
I was too releived to glare. So I asked him:

I don't even know what Sonar IS! So I just nodded. He continued.

I backed up, scared that it would attack me. But it didn't! it went on and I started up the statue, in spite of my fear. I figured the caterpillar had left. But as I was nearing the top, I looked behind me to see the caterpillar!

I screamed my loudest. then I jumped off the statue and ran to a nearby room. I saw a bone and took it.

there was a hole in the ceiling but I couldn't find any way up. so I went cautiously back to the statue
and leaped up on a swinging platform just as the caterpillar ambled up the statue. I, wanting to get as far away as I could from the caterpillar, leaped on a bunch of ledges until i saw another floating platform. I leaped on it and it brought me to the other side. there was a hole in the ceiling and I jumped up. I walked out and a huge vine stood in front of me. I jumped down, and not far off, was a rock piece with a brown vase filled with green, gucky stuff. I took it.
and to my surprise, I was on Main Street!
Well THATS Surprising! I ran all the way to the aincient ruins and not knowing where to go, my eye caught a vine nearby. Aha! I could climb up,up,up, and leap down from the top, wherever it was. I peered up throught the palm leaves and vines, but they were a little too thick. so I started climbing. When I finally reached the top, I was about to leap off the little platform up there when I saw a strange man with a blue mask on.
I was thinking; "How ugly!" and I walked up to him. he looked at me as if I was a useless lump of dung and said:

It was then when I saw a boy behind me walk up. he must've been the crying woman on the beach's hideous son. he was wearing a stinky, white, greasy shirt. I edged away as far as I could from the yucky boy. Then, I set off at a run, all the way back to the beach where the woman was. I wanted to get rid of that boy as fast as I could. So I led them to the beach, looking over my shoulder every few seconds, to see if they were fast enough to follow ME, the fastest runner in the whole Poptropica! Well, we finally reached the beach and the woman shreiked. her son stood daftly.

while he was talking, he pressed a gold medallion into my hand. Well that is what happened, folks! Signing out for now! Wait! I forgot to take off my skirt! :P