
I'm back! This is Happy Hero in Reality TV Island, part 2.
So the next day, I walked back to the Wayside Hotel. Suddenly, I saw a Reality TV helicopter! On top of the hotel!
I didn't believe it! Can I say that again? Thanks.

So I ran up the stair steps and jumped on the roof. The man told me, "Congratulations! You've been selected as a contestant on Reality TV Island. Please step into the helicopter."

I hopped in.
Suddenly a thought struck me. The voting! I had forgotten. Oh well. I just hope I don't get in the same condition as Fierce Wolf.
I let myself rise up in the helicopter.
I let myself rise up in the helicopter.
I arrived at Reality TV Island and saw seven people. Rickie Rock, Sickly Skull, Grandpa Grum, Director D, Betty Brownie, Betty Jetty, and Hip Hop.
The show started. The first game was called Shot Put. I lost that game!!! Hip Hop won. I voted for Betty Jetty. But Sickly Skull was voted off. The next game was called On The Line. I lost that game too!!! Hip Hop won again. Really, I think I need to vote him off. I voted for Rickie Rock. Director D was voted off. Next game was called Balanced Diet. Grrrr, I lost!!! But at least Hip Hop lost too. Here's my chance!!! I looked evilly at him. I will vote you off, I thought. By the way, Betty Brownie won. I voted for Hip Hop. But everyone's evil minds were set to vote ME off!!! Arrrrrrgh!!! Dude, that's not nice.
Well, time to try again...
I rose up in the helicopter. I arrived, and the first game was called Hang Glider. Ooh.
But after a few dodges and darts, I lost. Grandma Gracey won. Hah, an old woman winning. Tough. Well, I voted for Sarah Snooty. She got voted off. Next game was Boulder Push. I WON!!! I'm pretty strong, now that you mention it. I laughed. I voted Grandma Gracey. Freddy Fry was voted off. The next game was called Balanced Diet. Oh no. This game again. I'm not good at it. Well, let's just see what happens. Suddenly, my silly pole fell to the ground.
Dang, I lost. Betty Brownie won.
Grandma Gracey got voted off, generously. The next game was called Shot Put. I WON!!! I voted for Merry Muse. But Magic Mervin got voted off. Next game was called Pole Climb. Dang I lost. I could have easily beat that game without any trouble. Lassie Lasso won. I voted off Merry Muse. Next game...On The Line!!! My favorite game!!! I have to win this one. I did!!! YAHOO!!! I voted off Betty Brownie. Me and Lassie Lasso were left. I grinned to myself. There was a glimmer of hope that I might win! The next game was called Coconut Catch. Hmm, might be a bit hard. Oh well, look on the bright side. Aww jeez, I lost. I...hate myself. Oh well, see ya later.
~Happy Hero~
PS: I'll let you know when I win. (IF I win, that is.)
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