Poptropical Adventures

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Golden Hawk in SOS Island *DEMO*

Hi everyone. Golden Hawk here.

{Kinda tired from finishing Reality TV.}

After waiting for the countdown to finish…uh…countdowning…I flew over to the island from Reality TV (which, by the way, I won yet again).
There were screaming and crying people in a lifeboat being saved from a sinking ship. When I landed a woman rushed over to me saying,

So I jumped on that ship and tried to get in. But of course there was a problem - a chunk of ice was blocking the doorway..

I cleared it easily by pushing a HUGE snowball (you can't even call it a snowball - it was more like…the bottom part of a snowman) on the lump, and then I was ready to go in.

It was a mess. But then again - what do you expect from a sinking ship?

So I ran up to the top of the ship and found the captain standing there. I told him he'd better get out but he said,
"Don't you know a captain always goes down with his ship?"

o_O He's crazy.

Anyway I turned the knob to unlock all the doors below deck and dashed back downstairs. Door 6 at the very end was open and the door was intact. Guess what I found?

This whale lover - begging a whale to save him from his room. Not that I'm against whale lovers of course (I kinda like whales myself), but he was an EXTREME whale lover.
I saved him anyway, and he gave me this.

It was kind of cool actually, but the knob was stuck.

Bye-Bye ship.

Thanks for reading, and see you readers next time on February 16!


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