A Halloween party invitation. Yay.
Germboy had left his pen on his table.
"Take it!" said my ghost. "He doesn't need it anymore."
Thank you, faithful ghost.
I left the house and ran to Snoopy's doghouse. Fatboy was there. They were staring at a big pile of leaves.
I stared too.
So did my ghost.
Fatboy and I watched Snoopy blow five leaves into the pile. As I was watching him, I thought, That's barely helpful!!
When Snoopy was done, Fatboy's mouth went into a very straight line and he said,
But my ghost was blocking Snoopy's face, so I guess Fatboy was giving thanks to my ghost.
Yuck! With his sucker and all.
Then why did he just do it?!
I followed Germboy.
Does he really need that blanket? It's all germy - it must smell awful. Yucky.
I knew he wasn't going to get it for himself, so I had to go get it, of course. What a lazy boy.
I found Germboy's blanket under the leaves, which totally doesn't make sense, because he jumped in the leaves and then his blanket went under? It doesn't make sense.

If he can't live without it, I won't give it to him. He deserves to die.

Just kidding. I'm not that mean. In fact, I'm not mean at all. Proof? Read all my posts. :D

(Sorry, folks, but I have to end the post here. I'm having computer problems. I can't upload the pictures.)
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