Hi! I'm Quick Lion and I am going to do Counterfeit Island!

I decided to start looking through a trash can.

Smelly stuff it is, but I found three tickets for the Underground Tunnel Tour!

I thought to myself... Hmm, they might belong to someone so I better not go take the tour now.
I'll find the owner and mebbe he''ll let me have one? So I set off in search of the owner. I walked to Bobo's clown shop and got a nice green balloon. I walked down to the Countryside to just, uh, enjoy the country. It wasn't long after some people came along. There was a woman holding a red balloon and a boy, who was crying. I went over to the boy. "Hey kid, a balloon! " I handed him my balloon. But alas! He must have weighed too little, for he started floating into the air.

The woman dashed away and I shouted to her. "Mam!! Wait!!!" but she dashed still. I ran after her and tried to find out where she was going, but I was stopped by a boy outside the Web Browser Internet Cafe. "Hey! have you heard? The balloon boy is on the news inside!" I entered the Cafe. There was a man checking his pockets. "Whatchya lookin' for?" I asked him. "Oh. I had three tickets in my pockets for the Underground Tunnel, but I think I lost them!" I remembered the tickets in my pocket and I handed them to him. "Here, I found 'em in a trash can." The man's face lighted up. "Oho! Thank you, kind Poptropican. I will give you one as a reward." I took the ticket, said my thanks, and left the cafe. I went to the tunnel and gave the woman my ticket. "Just step in when you are ready," she told me. I walked in and she followed me. I looked around and heard grunting behind me. It was the tour guide! She was pushing the wall. "Gotta get some exercise. " she said between grunts.

I shrugged and walked on after a while I heard a voice. "You gotta do this," It was the woman crouching on a broken piece of stone.

I looked away, disgusted. I saw an exit,but I didn't go. Instead, I climbed back up a chain and jumped to the right. I jumped as I heard a wail. "Hey! d-d-don't leave me! I can't get up!" I continued ignoring her, glad that she wasn't following me anymore. After some time her wails were too annoying, so I jumped back down the chain, and exited. She stayed, for reasons I don't know and I don't beleive. "Psst!" I swung around, seeing a man in a brown coat and a brown hat with sunglasses on.

"Come here!" he hissed. I walked over. "Someone is going to steal the Scream! We gotta stop the theif! Apply for a job at the museum and come back here before nightfall!"

I dashed away to the museum, wondering who he was.
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