Hi there, I'm Quiet Star!
I'm going to save Early Poptropica.
I ran to Early Poptropica and jumped in the well.

I slipped down the rope. There were torches all over the place! I jumped around, exploring the well until I saw a shining glow stick! I grabbed it and put it safely in my bag in case I came to a dark place.

There was nothing else interesting in the well, so I climbed back up the rope. I ran to the sewer hole on Main Street and jumped in. I walked around until...I saw a big green spider!

A pig too. Hmm.

There was a pathway in there too, so I ran through it and into a dark place. I quickly rummaged through my bag and pulled out the glow stick. I ran around, trying to find an exit, and on my way I saw a huge, I repeat, HUGE golden egg!

How rare! I heaved it up and placed it carefully in my bag. I found the exit and ended up in the Poptropica Towers. I jumped on the clothes lines and landed atop a building that had tables and chars. Weird. Above me was a vine. I climbed up. I jumped down and landed in the...clouds? Awfully weird. I looked up to see a big purple giant.

What in the world?! I am not Jack and the Beanstalk! I asked him if he wanted something. He said, "I LOST MY EGG IN A PLACE THAT IS DARK. " I covered my ears for fear they would break, and showed him the golden egg in my bag. "I found it!"I yelled up at him. He took it and said, "BECAUSE YOU HAVE BROUGHT ME WHICH I NEED, I LIFT MY CLUB AND YOU SHALL PROCEED." He was going to break my ears, for sure. I ran to a place filled with vegetables. I jumped on a pumpkin and, next to a tomato, was a water bucket!

I looked inside the bucket to make sure it was empty. I don't want my bag to be all wet! Well, to my relief, it was drip-dry. I collected it and jumped over the pumpkin again. I jumped as high as I could over an enourmous shovel, and into an exit. I climbed down a vine and landed on the water tower in Main Street. In front of me, was a flag!

With all my swiftness, I swiped it and threw the spinning flag in my bag! "Hi-YAH!" I exclaimed. I jumped down on the Arcade and went back to Early Poptropica. I gave the defenseless man his pig. He said, "Thank you for returning my pig! I'll never let it out of my sight again. Finally, bacon for all!" Disgusting. I hope it's not bacon for me. Blegh. I ran to the well and gave the careless man his bucket. He joyfully said, "Thank you for returning my bucket! We raise our water glasses to you!" Oh, no thanks. These Early Poptropican men are so careless that they would probably drop their water glasses. Not spectacle glasses, cups! They would drop their cups. And break them. I climbed up the rope to the ugly man who dumbly let the flag fly away. I gave him the flag. He happily raised it. "Thank you for returning the signal flag!" I wanted to scream at him, STOP USING THE WORD 'RETURN'! IT'S NOT LIKE I STOLE THESE POSSESSIONS! Ugh. I ran to the man in the boat. He kindly said, "Thank you for bringing the signal flag! Take this medallion as a token of my appreciation. Thanks for your help!" Wowee!

I even received credits to spend in the Poptropica Store! Coo.
Well, thank you for reading about me! Look for me in the multiplayer rooms! Signing out for now, Quiet Star.
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