Hello again! This is Golden Hawk reporting right in front of the Moldy Baguette Inn.
Rough Flyer was at the MBI today. I played all the games below with Rough flyer. It was crazy. I won all of the games and he still wanted to play with me!! I played Sudoku first...

I won the game and then, he asked me to play Star link.

I won of course, and then he asked me to play Paint War.

I won Paint War. So he asked me if I wanted to play Soupwords.

The only word he got, was ale. I got wire, wore, owe, ore, den, and real. I won, obviously.
Then he asked me about Pathwise.

I agreed.

At first, he started out pretty good. Then I blocked him, and he didn't seem to notice...

until I was close to the very end!!

And I won.
Beating him was as easy as taking candy from a baby.
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